
Terms for subject Advertising containing The | all forms | exact matches only
above-the-line advertising大众媒介广告
above-the-line advertising线上广告
above-the-line cost线上费用
above-the-line expenditure线上推广费用
Absolut Vodka, The Absolut bottle绝对伏特加、绝对伏特加酒瓶、李岱艾广告公司、1981 (TBWA)
advertisement on the inside of back cover封三广告
advertisement on the inside of front cover封二广告
Advertising Association of the West美国西部广告协会
advertising on the internet网络广告
Association for the Promotion of the International Circulation of the Press国际报刊发行促进协会
attitude toward the act of buying对购买行为的态度
attitude toward the advertisement对广告的态度
below-the-line advertising线下广告
below-the-line cost线下成本
below-the-line cost线下费用
Benson & Hedges 100s, "The disadvantages"香烟、"缺点"、Wells、Rich、Greene 广告公司、20世纪60年代 (Wells, Rich, Greene; Benson & Hedges 100s)
bleed in the gutter中缝出血广告
BMW, "The ultimate driving machine"宝马、"终极驾驶机器"、Ammirati & Puris 广告公司、20世纪70年代 (Ammirati & Puns)
Cadillac, "The penalty of leadership"凯迪拉克、"出人头地的代价"、MacManus、John & Adams 广告公司、1915 (MacManus, John & Adams)
Chanel, "Share the fantasy"香奈尔香水、 "分享这份梦幻"、恒美广告公司、 1979 (DDB)
Charmin, "Please don't squeeze the Charmin"宝洁佳美卫生纸、 "别挤着佳美!" Benton & Bowles 广告公司、1964 (Benton & Bowles)
Chevrolet, "See the USA in your Chevrolet"雪佛兰汽车、"在你的雪佛兰里看美国" 、Campbell-Ewald 广告公司、20世纪50年代 (Campbell-Ewald)
Coca-Cola, "It's the real thing"可口可乐、"真材实料"、麦肯广告公司、1970 (McCann-Erickson)
Coca-Cola, "The pause that refreshes"可口可乐、"享受清新一刻"、达美高广告公司、1929 (D'Arcy Co.)
down-the street sell沿街叫卖
Energizer, The Energizer Bunny劲量电池、劲量兔子、Chiat/Day 广告公司、1989 (Chiat/Day)
ethics of the profession职业道德
foot-in-the-door technique逐步升级技术
foot-in-the-door technique得寸进尺法
from the top从头排演
Greyhound, "It's such a comfort to take the bus and leave the driving to us"灰狗巴士、"只有坐车之趣、没有驾车之劳"、精信广告公司、1957 (Grey Advertising)
Hallmark, "When you care enough to send the very best"贺曼卡片、"如果你真的在乎、就寄最好的贺卡"、博达大桥广告公司、20世纪30年代 (FCB)
Hamm's beer, "From the Land Of Sky Blue Waters"哈姆啤酒、"来自天蓝色的水乡" 、Campbell-Mithun 广告公司、20世纪50年代 (Campbell—Mithun)
Hathaway Shirts, "The man in the Hathaway shirt"哈斯维衬衫、"穿哈斯维的男人"、奥美广告公司、1951 (Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson & Mather)
Hertz, "Let Hertz put you in the driver's seat"赫兹租车公司、"让赫兹带你上路"、Norman、 Craig & Kummel 广告公司、1961 (Norman, Craig & Kummel)
in the field实地拍摄
in-the-market traffic驶过户外广告的车流量
International Association of Research Institutes for the Graphic Arts Industry国际印刷研究所协会
International Centre for the Registration of Serial Publication国际系列出版物注册中心
International Federation of the Periodical Press国际期刊出版联合会
I've come about your offer for the table skirts我来听取桌裙的报盘
jump the gutter跨中缝
lady of the house主妇
lead the fashion创先例
lead the fashion开风气之先
leave the field open不加干涉
lose the light拍摄光线不足
man of the year年度风云人物
man of the year年度新闻人物
Manufacturers use sales promotion to make their merchandise known to prospective retail buyers and to the public厂家采用促销手段使未来的零售客户和公众了解他们的产品
Marlboro, The Marlboro Man万宝路、"万宝路牛仔"、李奥贝纳广告公司、1955 (Leo Burnett Co.)
Maxwell House, "Good to the last drop"麦斯威尔咖啡、 "滴滴香浓、意犹未尽"、奥美广告公司、1959 (Ogilvy, Benson & Mather)
of the hour现在的
of the hour目〔当〕前的
off the air广播、电视停止播放
on the air正在播出
on the air正在广播
on the button节目准点
on the button镜头恰到好处
on the line在线的
on the line图像传输中的
on the log刊播日志
on the log日志
on the nose节目准点
on the nose镜头恰到好处
on-the-run color印刷机的一次着色
on the shelf影片等摄制完成准备上映
over the air在广播
Pepsi-Cola, "Pepsi-Cola hits the spot"百事可乐、"百事、正对口味"、Newell-Emmett 广告公司、20世纪40年代 (Newell-Emmett Co.)
Pepsi-Cola, "The Pepsi generation"百事可乐、"新一代的选择"、天联广告公司、1964 (BBDO)
Pepsodent, "You'll wonder where the yellow went"Pepsodent 增白牙膏、"你也许会奇怪、黄斑哪儿去了"、博达大桥广告公司、1956 (FCB)
Publicizing the new collection may cost manufacturers a large amount of money宣传新款服装可能会使生产商投资巨大
ride the boards驶过或路过户外广告牌
ride the gain节目制作中调节音量
ride the showing驶过或路过户外广告牌
Steinway & Sons, "The instrument of the immortals"施坦威钢琴、"不朽的乐器"、艾耶父子广告公司、1919 (N. W. Ayer & Son)
style of the house排字风格
style of the house印刷风格
Sunsweet Prunes, "Today the pits, tomorrow the wrinkles"西梅精华素、"今时之斑点明日成皱纹"、Freberg 广告公司、20世纪70年代 (Freberg Ltd.)
take it from the top重演
take it from the top从头开始
Technical Association of the Lithographic Industry〔英〕平板印刷工业技术协会
Texaco, "You can trust your car to the men who wear the star"德士古公司、"你可以将车托付给佩戴星的人们"、 Benton & Bowles 广告公司、20世纪40年代 (Benton & Bowles)
The dress priced 8,000 dollars at first, but you can buy it with 800 dollars since it's 90% off这件裙子原价8 000美元,但你可以花800美元买下它,因为打一折
The Gravure Technical Association〔美〕凹印技术协会
7UP, "The Uncola"七喜汽水、"非可乐"、智威汤逊广告公司、20世纪70年代 (J. Walter Thompson Co.)
U.S. School of Music, "They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play!"美国音乐学校、"当我坐到钢琴前、他们笑了、但当我开始弹奏... "、Ruthrauff & Ryan 广告公司、1925 (Ruthrauff & Ryan)
Wendy's, "Where's the beef?"温迪汉堡包、"牛肉在哪儿?" Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample 广告公司、1984 (Dancer Fitzgerald Sample)
What are the selling points of your coverlet?你们床单的卖点是什么?
What do you think of our price of the carpet?你认为我方地毯的价格如何?
What is the price of this kind of bed sheet?请问这种床单多少钱?
Wisk detergent, "Ring around the collar"Wisk 清洁剂、"污渍环绕衣领"、天联广告公司、1968 (BBDO)
with the grain顺纹理