
Terms for subject Automobiles containing Fighting | all forms | exact matches only
airfield fire-fighting vehicle机场消防救火
combined dry-powder and foam fire-fighting lorry干粉/泡沫式消防车
combined dry-powder and foam fire-fighting lorry装备干粉灭火器和泡沫灭火器的消防车
combined dry-powder and foam fire-fighting truck干粉/泡沫式消防车
combined dry-powder and foam fire-fighting truck装备干粉灭火器和泡沫灭火器的消防车
combined dry-powder and water fire-fighting tank lorry干粉/水槽式消防车
combined dry-powder and water fire-fighting tank lorry装备干粉灭火器和蓄水槽的消防车
combined dry-powder and water fire-fighting tank truck干粉/水槽式消防车
combined dry-powder and water fire-fighting tank truck装备干粉灭火器和蓄水槽的消防车
equivalent trailer for oil fighting消防队具有灭油火设备的挂车
fighting cab装甲运兵车战斗室
fighting vehicle战斗车辆如装甲车,坦克
fire fighting救火
fire-fighting body消防车车身
fire-fighting car小型消防车
fire-fighting equipment消防灭火设备器材,装备
fire-fighting foam泡沫消防车
fire-fighting tank truck水罐消防车
fire-fighting tanker水罐消防车
fire-fighting turntable ladders云梯消防车
fire-fighting vehicle救火车
foam fire-fighting泡沫消防用的
foam-water fire-fighting vehicle泡沫灭火液消防车
forest fire-fighting vehicle森林火灾消防车
implement trailer for oil fighting油田灭火设备拖车
implement truck for oil-fighting purposes油田灭火设备车
large airfield fire-fighting vehicle机场大型消防车
large fire-fighting tank lorry大型消防水罐车
large fire-fighting tank truck大型消防水罐车
large-dry-powder fire-fighting vehicle大型干粉消防车
oil fighting油品机油灭火
pilot fire-fighting vehicle先导救火车
pilot fire-fighting vehicle消防引导车
powder fire-fighting truck粉末灭火车
powder fire-fighting truck干粉消防车
small fire-fighting vehicle小型消防救火
snow-fighting vehicle扫雪车
universal fire-fighting vehicle通用消防车