
Terms for subject Economy containing Area | all forms | exact matches only
a backup area备用堆置场
a blighted area衰落区
a bonded area关栈区
a bonded area保税区
a conflagration area大火地区
a conflagration area火灾区
a fleeting area驳船停泊区
a French Franc Area法国法郎债券
a grain-producing area产粮区
a marshalling area集装箱运输调配区
a necessitous area贫困地区
a sterling area英镑区
a target area目标地区
a toll area收通行税地区
an action-event area行为一结果范围
an afforestation area造林面积
an agricultural and pastoral area农牧区
an agricultural area农业区
an arable area可耕地
an area code地区代号
an embarkation area装货区
an oceangoing area远洋区
an underdeveloped area不发达地区
an under-developed area不发达地区
an unoccupied area未控制地区
an urban area城市地区
area and output of principal agricultural products主要农业产品种植面积及产量
area contingency plan地区互联计划
area for further productivity action今后生产力运动之努力方向
area maintenance地区保全费
area of exploratory interest勘探权益区
area of liability赔偿责任的范围
area of mutual interest相互利益范围
area of operation干预范围
area petroleum office地区石油营业所
area utilization factor面积利用系数
areas for further productivity action今后生产力运动之努力方向
ASEAN Free Trade Area东南亚国家联盟自由贸易区
associated area有关地区
Association of Southeast Asian Nations Free Trade Area东南亚国家联盟自由贸易区
audit area审计区域
backward area不发达地区
Bay Area Transportation Study Commission海湾地区运输研究委员会
blighted area衰落区
breadbasket area产粮区
breadbasket area粮食产区
business areas经营区
bus-stop area公共汽车停车处
Caribbean Free Trade Area加勒比海自由贸易区
carless shopping areas汽车不通行的闹市商店
cattle-producing area畜牧区
coastal sea-bed economic area沿海海床经济区域
commercial arrangement area商业布置
Commonwealth Preference Area英联邦特惠区
conflagration area火灾区
contract area合同区
corn-growing area产粮区
corn-growing area谷物区
cost area价格区域
crop area农作物面积
crop area播种面积
crop per unit area basis单位面积产量
cultivable area可耕地
declaration before carrying in bonded area运入保税区前的申报
depressed area低〔洼〕地
depressed area distressed area萧条区贫困区
deprived rural area贫困的农业地区
designated market-area rating广告市场范围估计 (DMA rating)
development area发展中地区
development area开发地区
distressed area困难地区
distressed area灾难区
distressed area贫苦地区
distressed area贫困区
dollar area美元区域
Economic Rehabilitation in Occupied Area占领地区经济复兴资金
enumeration area美国调查统计局用语计算地区
enumeration area美国调查统计局列举地区
EROA Economic Rehabilitation in Occupied Area占领地区经济复兴资金
European Economic Area欧洲经济区
fiscal compensation for conservation areas保护区的财政补偿
fishing resources in near-coast sea areas近岸海域渔业资源
flood hazard areas洪水危险地区
food self-sufficient area食物自给自足地区
free port area自由港区
free trade area自贸区
Free Trade Area of America美洲自由贸易区
free-trade area自贸区
free-trade area自由贸易区
freight handling area货物搬运区
functional area功能领域
general problem area一般问题范围
general services area一般服务范围
GNP/GDP per capita income in project area项目区人均国内生产总值/国民生产总值
grain-producing area产粮区
gray area灰区 (就业率颇低但又未低到可获得政府特别补助的地理区域)
grey area灰区 (就业率颇低但又未低到可获得政府特别补助的地理区域)
grey area灰色地带
grey-area measure灰色区域措施
Gulf area海湾地区
hard currency area硬通货地区
high elevation stacking area高层堆放场
initial participating area初始参与【股】地区
initial production area初始生产区
irrigation area水浇地面积
joint development area联合开发区
labour market area劳力市场区
labour shortage area劳动力短缺地区
labour shortage area劳动力短缺地区能吸收剩余劳动力的市场
labour-shortage area美国劳动力不足地区
land area陆地区域
Latin-American Free Trade Area拉丁美洲自由贸易区
less favoured area处境较差的地区
listing of operating decision-making areas决策
loading area码头的装卸区
low-income farm area低收入农业区
major producing area主要生产区
Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area马来西亚一泰国联合开发区
manufacturing areas for export commodity商品岀口加工区
Many businesses are engaged in the trade in this area在这一地区,许多商号从事这一行业
Maximum Guaranteed Areas最大保证面积简写为MGAs
metropolian area小城市地区
military-industry area军工生产区
mine area tax矿区税
multiple cropping areas复种面积
new lands area垦荒区
New Zealand and Australia Free Trade Area新西兰与澳大利亚自由贸易区
newly settled area新开垦区
non-monetized areas无货币区
non-sterling area非英镑区
North American Free Trade Area北美自由贸易区
Oil Mineral Producing Areas Development Commission尼日利亚石油矿区开发委员会
optimal currency area最适当的货币区
Our area was badly damaged by recent typhoon and we hope you will understand our situation fully我地区最近受台风严重危害,希望你们充分体谅我们的处境
outer franc area海外法郎区
outside area展览会馆外展台
participating area参与地区
per unit area yield单位面积产量
petroleum service contract of the area地区石油服务合同
pilot demonstration area试验示范区
planted area种植面积
poor land area土地贫瘠区域
pound area英镑区 (域)
present in-area population现在人口
problem area有疑问的区域
production license area生产许可证地区
ratio of aisle space to total area通道面积和全厂面积的比率
remote area边远地区
Rest of the Sterling Area除英国外的英镑区
seasonable zones and areas季节性载重线区
service area服务
shift of investment from coasted areas to inland投资由沿海转向内地
special area英国长期不景气工业区
special area英国长期不景气的工业地区
special area长期不景气的工业区
standard loan on a per unit area basis以单位面积为基础的标准贷款
standard metropolitan area标准都市区
storage area储存区
substantial-unemployment area严重失业地区劳动力大量剩余市场
support area维持价格范围
surface area土地面积
the area assessment分区鉴定
the area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction国家管辖范围以外的区域
The area of the company is 4000 square feet这家公司占地面积为4000平方英尺
the Belgian monetary area比利时货币区域
The clerical staff are employed from the local area文员就地招聘
The company prospect-ed the area for gold, and found the mines prospect very well该公司在这个地区勘探金矿,发现这些矿大有开采前途
The company's sales in the area were seriously affected by the inflation由于通货膨胀,公司在该地区的销售受到了严重影响
the Franc area法郎区
the gulf area海湾地区
the navigating area航区
The new source of raw materials was found in this area原料的新来源是在这个地区发现的
The office is in the commercial area of the town这家公司在该城镇的商业区
the pound sterling area英镑区
the sea areas under national jurisdiction国家管辖海域
The securities used in this area shall include bonds, debentures or convertible debentures本地区使用的证券包括证券、债券或可兑换债券
the stacking area堆置场
the support area维持价格范围
the usable floor area使用面积
They have appointed several agents in different areas throughout that country他们在那个国家全境内的不同地区委任了专有代理人
They undertook the economic reconstruction of an area after a disaster他们承担了一个地区遭受灾祸后的经济重建工作
total cultivated area耕地总面积
trade within the area限定区域内的贸易
Traders are withdrawing from that area speculating about the possibility of a war推测有战争的可能性,商人们纷纷退出那一地区
undeveloped area未开垦地区
We have the sole and exclusive right to produce and sell the goods in our area, as particularly provided for above我们有在本地区独家制造和销售这一产品的权利,这一点已在上面特别提到过
We shall use our best exertion to widen sales in the area我方要尽力在本地区扩大销售
yield per unit area单位产量