
Terms for subject Weightlifting containing A | all forms | exact matches only
a second movement两次预蹲
attempt for a record破纪录试举
compete in a heavier class越级参加比赛
compete in a lighter class降级参加比赛
complete a lift试举成功
complete a lift完成一次试举
decline a lift下降
finger flips off a wall手指推墙练习
finger flips off a wall手指推墙联系
finish a lift完成一次试举
finish a lift试举成功
grant a second movement两次预蹲犯规动作
granting a second movement两次预蹲
in a single motion一气呵成
in a split position呈箭步姿势
inclined sit-up with a twist头朝下仰卧起坐转体
inclined sit-up with a twist头朝下仰卧起坐并转体
lift with a jerking motion借力推
snatch from a box垫铃抓举
snatching from a box垫铃抓举
start with a dive style俯冲式起举
start with a get-set style预备式起举