
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.504  << | >>

30.08.2023 6:52:10 book. injustices проявления несправедливости (After witnessing many injustices firsthand ... – лично столкнулся с проявлениями несправедливости)
30.08.2023 6:43:00 gen. naturally-occurring, major catastrophic events природные катастрофы крупного масштаба (these are all naturally-occurring, major catastrophic events)
30.08.2023 6:41:24 gen. pocket one's cash присвоить чьи-либо деньги (In the wake of the Haiti earthquake, beware of bogus charities. They don't issue tax receipts and just want to pocket your hard-earned cash.)
30.08.2023 6:34:45 inf. old buddy кореш (Hey Carl, old buddy, how're you doing?)
30.08.2023 6:33:01 sl., drug. bud марихуана (It's one year into Canada's experiment in legal marijuana. Many residents remain proud of Canada for bucking prohibition, but a lot still buy cannabis on the sly. Access is limited and taxes and other issues mean high-quality bud can cost nearly twice what it did before legalization. news957.com)
30.08.2023 6:29:33 gen. massive data масса информации (look at the massive data that has already been published)
30.08.2023 6:22:54 gen. jewel heist кража драгоценностей (Thieves with a taste for high-end shiny valuables broke into a home in the 3000 block of Massey Avenue March 3 and made off with luxury jewels including an 18-karat white gold ring with a 2.5-carat round yellow diamond worth about $800,000, a $500,000 Tiffany sapphire and diamond ring as well as a Cartier Pasha Seatimer watch and two Vacheron Constantin gold watches. Const. Jeff Richter, spokesman for the West Lake Police Department, called the jewel heist “very substantial.” )
30.08.2023 6:17:37 gen. nuanced которому свойственны тонкости ("The Japanese language is highly nuanced and fraught with endless, diplomatic shadings of politeness and intent." (The New Yorker, Aug 16, 1999))
30.08.2023 6:16:58 gen. nuanced отличающийся оттенками смысла
30.08.2023 6:10:49 welf. income earner кормилец (при назначении пенсии: The deceased was the sole income earner for a family of four. – являлся единственным кормильцем)
30.08.2023 6:02:49 gov. proof of competency квалификационное удостоверение (If you are operating a motorized boat, carry proof of competency on board at all times. Your proof of competency is your Pleasure Craft Operator Card (Carte de conducteur d'embarcation de plaisance).)
30.08.2023 5:59:15 gen. to a good quality качественно (The work was done to a good quality. – Работа выполнялась качественно.)
30.08.2023 5:16:06 adv. quality workmanship качественная работа (Our focus is on quality workmanship and reasonable price for our clients.)
30.08.2023 4:43:33 real.est. presale предварительная продажа (buying a condominium before construction begins)
30.08.2023 4:40:25 gen. barely use почти не пользоваться (Michelle and Paul moved to Greenwood a decade ago after downsizing from a large old West Bay home with lots of rooms, some of which were barely used.)
30.08.2023 4:15:11 HR human-resource policies правила отбора и найма персонала
30.08.2023 4:10:25 gen. real challenge серьёзная трудность (Driving becomes a real challenge during Vancouver's darkest and rainiest months.)
30.08.2023 3:42:04 demogr. mass extinction event массовая гибель населения (Should the Yellowstone supervolcano explode, that would be a mass extinction event, at least for people living in the Northern Hemisphere, he reported, due to the amount of ash and poisonous gas transported into the atmosphere. coasttocoastam.com)
30.08.2023 3:34:30 earth.sc. precursors предвестники бедствия, катастрофы ("You don't need to go through life thinking that there's going to be an extinction-level event tomorrow," he remarked. "But there can certainly be the precursors taking place that could have a devastating effect on all of our lives." coasttocoastam.com)
29.08.2023 6:43:44 idiom. all over the map всё что угодно (If you look at the categories of people who disappear in our national parks, it's not just strong, healthy adults, men and women – it's everyone from little kids to old folks – it's all over the map.)
29.08.2023 6:42:39 gen. everything of value всё ценное ("I was in psychosis because of the drug use," he said, adding he sold everything he had of value on him at the time, to buy more drugs.)
29.08.2023 6:40:40 gen. multiple bodies всевозможные инстанции (обращаться во всевозможные инстанции – She went to multiple bodies, including the Ministry of Justice, the Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission and even the Prime-Minister's office.)
29.08.2023 6:40:11 gen. go to multiple bodies обращаться во всевозможные инстанции (She went to multiple bodies, including the Ministry of Justice, the Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission and even the Prime-Minister's office.)
29.08.2023 6:39:10 inf. stick out обращать на себя внимание (... One particular case that sticks out is that of a Jamaican drug dealer who overstayed for more than 8 years.)
29.08.2023 6:37:19 gen. an analysis revealed that согласно произведённому анализу (When Joe returned with a filled jug he saw that one of the entities was cooking cakes or biscuits on a griddle and he indicated that he would like one. He was given four. Later Joe tried one and told UFO investigators that it tasted like cardboard. An analysis of another revealed that the ingredients were ordinary corn and wheat flours and other unexceptional substances. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 6:35:37 gen. there is good evidence that существуют надёжные доказательства того, что (There is now good evidence that turtles, octopus and squid can all grow to huge sizes. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 6:21:37 gen. a matter of conjecture по этому вопросу можно лишь строить предположения (is ~: Whether this type of attack is a calculated act by an intelligent and malign entity or a programmed reaction from an unmanned probe type of craft is a matter of conjecture, as no entities were seen in either of the previous cases. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 6:21:37 gen. a matter of conjecture по этому вопросу можно лишь высказывать догадки (is ~: Whether this type of attack is a calculated act by an intelligent and malign entity or a programmed reaction from an unmanned probe type of craft is a matter of conjecture, as no entities were seen in either of the previous cases. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 6:21:37 gen. a matter of conjecture по этому вопросу можно лишь строить домыслы (is ~: Whether this type of attack is a calculated act by an intelligent and malign entity or a programmed reaction from an unmanned probe type of craft is a matter of conjecture, as no entities were seen in either of the previous cases. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))
29.08.2023 5:32:50 gen. samples of soil образцы грунта (The three occupants wearing silvery jumpsuits were seen obtaining samples of soil near Mrs. Hatton's house for about an hour, then they entered their craft and left.)
29.08.2023 5:14:53 gen. perch oneself примоститься ("Presently she came to a halt, and hailed a four-wheeler which was passing. (...) This begins to look genuine, I thought, and having seen her safely inside, I perched myself behind. That's an art which every detective should be an expert at."(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – примостился сзади)
29.08.2023 5:07:13 commer. online ordering онлайновые заказы (Currently online ordering is not available. – На данный момент онлайновые заказы не принимаются.)
29.08.2023 5:05:16 gen. numbed fingers онемевшие пальцы
29.08.2023 4:55:37 gen. shaped like в форме (an object shaped like a pear hovering above the village)
29.08.2023 4:43:15 cliche. if sth. is anything to go by если судить по (An early and dramatic UFO landing took place in October 1952, a country seemingly much favoured by UFOs in the 1950s, if the quantity of sighting reports is anything to go by. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- если судить по количеству )
29.08.2023 2:58:58 fig. inundated with calls поступило огромное количество звонков (was/were ~: As one might imagine, the Upper Macungie Township police department were inundated with calls from concerned residents wondering what had just happened. coasttocoastam.com)
29.08.2023 2:45:12 cliche. touch on коснуться темы (Robinson also touched on an odd photograph of a "winged creature" or fairy, the Green Lady apparition at a Scottish castle, and haunting phenomena at Chingle Hall in Lancashire. coasttocoastam.com)
29.08.2023 2:36:33 gen. frustratingly к всеобщей досаде (или "к чьей-либо досаде": Yet, frustratingly, when they went to check the video footage, none of the magical lights were picked up. coasttocoastam.com)
29.08.2023 2:21:05 gen. marine wildlife обитатели моря
29.08.2023 2:21:05 gen. marine wildlife обитатели морей и океанов
29.08.2023 2:21:05 gen. marine wildlife морские обитатели
29.08.2023 2:21:05 gen. marine wildlife морские животные
29.08.2023 1:53:47 formal organize an event in conjunction with организовать мероприятие совместно с (The cleanup event was organized by the Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission in conjunction with the citizens' group Deer Lake Protection Society.)
29.08.2023 1:53:47 formal organize an event in conjunction with организовать мероприятие при участии (The cleanup event was organized by the Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission in conjunction with the citizens' group Deer Lake Protection Society.)
28.08.2023 8:52:17 econ. rising cost подорожание (the rising cost of post-secondary school)
28.08.2023 8:50:58 idiom. rub the right way подойти с правильной стороны ("Actually, he's not so bad, if you rub him the right way." – если знать, с какой стороны к нему подойти (P.G. Wodehouse))
28.08.2023 8:49:56 gen. walk up to подойти к (I walked up to him and fired two shots.)
28.08.2023 8:41:43 gen. you can't никак (выражается вспомогательными и модальными глаголами: "How can I prove it?" "You can't." – – "А как можно это доказать?" "Никак.")
28.08.2023 8:38:05 book. unseen незримый (Tybilla Bubbenglumpf is a natural-born clairvoyant and clairaudient master teacher. She'll join me tonight to discuss the mysteries of the unseen world: auras, clairvoyance, reincarnation, dreams and more!)
28.08.2023 8:29:31 inf. quite a bit немало (We've accomplished quite a bit over the past twelve months. – Мы немалого достигли.)
28.08.2023 8:28:48 cliche. more than a few немало (There are more than a few cases on record where people have delved deep into a book on the domain of the occult and supernatural, only to open a door to, well, something. – Имеется немало документально подтверждённых случаев, когда ... • "In how many cases that you've investigated has a medical examiner actually been able to come up with the cause of death?" "There's been more than a few..." (Art Bell's interview with David Paulides) )
28.08.2023 8:23:43 gen. you can't help feeling that нельзя отделаться от ощущения, что (It's tough. But if you know Jim, you can't help feeling that he will endure.)
28.08.2023 4:37:39 cliche. I'd tell myself говорил я себе (при передаче косвенной речи: You are so petty, I'd tell myself, with your sparkling surfaces and White Company candles, these people have lost so much. – Ты такая придирчивая, говорила я себе dailymail.co.uk)
28.08.2023 4:34:16 gen. have a variety of opinions придерживаться различных мнений (People have a variety of opinions on that issue. – придерживаются различных мнений на этот счёт / по этому поводу.)
28.08.2023 4:30:14 psychol. relaxes us успокаивает нас ("Sleep seems to be the natural state for a cat with a full stomach. No one knows why cats sleep more than other species. The benefit for us is that the sight of a sleeping cat relaxes us." Bruce Vogle, DVM – вид спящего кота нас успокаивает)
28.08.2023 4:21:55 gen. on one occasion when однажды, когда ("(...) I was quite prepared to do so in order to bring the roses back to the cheeks of a woman who in my bib-and-cradle days had frequently dandled me on her knee, not to mention saving my life on one occasion when I had half-swallowed a rubber comforter." (P.G. Wodehouse))
28.08.2023 4:00:54 busin. do well успешно работать (FedEx is one of the companies that have done well during the pandemic and continue to do well. • We have companies that are doing very well economically.)
28.08.2023 3:06:43 law spousal support payouts алименты (A leading realtor has brought the recent slowdown in luxury real estate sales into the divorce courts, arguing that spousal support payouts should not be based on his recent earnings, because the top end of the market is slowing down.)
28.08.2023 3:06:29 law spousal support payouts алиментные выплаты (A leading realtor has brought the recent slowdown in luxury real estate sales into the divorce courts, arguing that spousal support payouts should not be based on his recent earnings, because the top end of the market is slowing down. )
27.08.2023 22:54:59 gen. a break in the trees просвет между деревьями в лесу (examples provided by 'More: View of Lake Superior through a break in the trees. • Blue sky through a break in the trees.)
27.08.2023 9:30:04 idiom. not a rotten apple in the bunch как на подбор (There's not a rotten apple in the bunch. – все как на подбор)
27.08.2023 9:13:36 disappr. any way как попало (So the teens want to wear hoodies and midriff-baring tops to school. Perhaps because their parents never explained to them that they are almost adults, and as adults we don't dress any way we want to when we go to college or to work. We dress appropriately. – не одеваемся как попало / во что придётся)
27.08.2023 8:49:03 fig. links in a chain звенья одной цепи (Всё это звенья одной цепи. – All of these things are like links in a chain, one leads to another, to another, to another.)
27.08.2023 8:48:40 mus. music star звезда в мире музыки (She was a major music star. – яркая звезда в мире музыки)
27.08.2023 8:42:29 law due to a lack of evidence за отсутствием состава преступления (In other cases that concluded during the year, the accused were acquitted due to a lack of evidence, faulty investigations or because witnesses had been bribed or were afraid to testify. – Jeffrey T. Bergner 2008 google.ca)
27.08.2023 8:07:42 inf. sketchy подозрительный (Informal•North American – dishonest or disreputable (Oxford Dictionary): The park is such a waste. I mean ya it’s good for green space. But it is so dense that it doesn’t feel safe to use. I’m not taking a leisurely stroll through there alone. I live near there and have only walked through it once. There's sketchy people using drugs….it’s just not a great public space. -- ошиваются подозрительные личности (Reddit))
27.08.2023 7:28:23 formal upgrade присвоить более высокую категорию
27.08.2023 7:27:06 formal downgrade присвоить более низкую категорию
27.08.2023 7:14:56 gen. ancient tongue древний язык (Through a break in the trees came perhaps thirty of forty more similarly clad people, mostly men, but others women, and all chanting in an unknown, and presumably ancient, tongue. It was soon made clear to Pauline that some sort of significant ceremony was about to take place inside Castle Ring – and she, no less, was right in the heart of all the brewing action. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:55:16 formal presumably как можно предположить (Through a break in the trees came perhaps thirty of forty more similarly clad people, mostly men, but others women, and all chanting in an unknown, and presumably ancient, tongue. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:53:43 gen. break in the trees просвет между деревьями (And then she found out the source of the noise. Through a break in the trees came perhaps thirty of forty more similarly clad people, mostly men, but others women, and all chanting in an unknown, and presumably ancient, tongue. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:44:45 gen. had a very strange experience произошёл странный случай (someone – с кем-л.: And finally: Pauline Charlesworth is someone who had a very strange experience back in the 1980s, an experience that just might have involved Pauline being torn out of our time and into the past. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:27:52 cliche. not for the better не в лучшую сторону (об изменениях: Lives were altered forever – and for the most part not for the better, I need to stress. Many of those who were present on those fantastic nights found their minds dazzled, tossed and turned – and incredibly quickly, too. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:21:07 formal records свидетельства (obtain all necessary letters, certificates, records and other documents -- получать необходимые справки, удостоверения, свидетельства и прочие документы)
27.08.2023 6:20:23 ed. Certificate of Completion свидетельство (... is awarded to "full name" to certify ...)
27.08.2023 6:19:14 formal piece of testimony заявление (официальное: On one occasion, in September 1992, over a large area of woodland in central England called the Cannock Chase, Omar secured a piece of testimony from a man named Alan Ball. He agreed to meet Ball on the Chase one morning. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:19:14 formal piece of testimony свидетельство (официальное: On one occasion, in September 1992, over a large area of woodland in central England called the Cannock Chase, Omar secured a piece of testimony from a man named Alan Ball. He agreed to meet Ball on the Chase one morning. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:16:07 gen. be split into two camps разделиться на два лагеря (Largely, UFO researchers are split into two camps: that the Flying Triangles are the creations of the American military or that they were flown by extraterrestrials. There is, however, another theory for all of this mystery. mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:13:48 gen. low noise низкий гул (Since the 1980s, sightings of large, triangular-shaped UFOs, usually described as being black in color, making a low humming noise, and very often with rounded rather than angled corners, have been reported throughout the world. -- издающие низкий гул mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 6:05:27 idiom. rooted to the spot не в состоянии сдвинуться с места (Kenny continued that, in his dream, he was rooted to the spot, his legs shaking and his heart pounding. He could only stand and stare as the huge radioactive cloud extended to a height of what was clearly miles. -- не мог сдвинуться с места mysteriousuniverse.org)
27.08.2023 4:35:12 cliche. point to sth. as an example привести что-л. в качестве примера (Some near-death experiencers return with information they could not have known prior to the NDE. As an example, Long pointed to accounts of experiencers who encountered people in the afterlife they did not know were dead. coasttocoastam.com)
27.08.2023 4:29:52 relig. heavenly realm заоблачная страна (NDEs often end spontaneously with the experiencer's automatic return to their physical body. "For people that have near-death experiences that make a decision [to return], the great majority of time they don't want to leave... that heavenly realm," he revealed. coasttocoastam.com)
27.08.2023 4:27:08 gen. PhD докторская диссертация (встречается и такой вариант: I am working on my PhD in Scottish literature. – пишу диссертацию )
27.08.2023 4:23:59 gen. prove to be ineffective доказать свою неэффективность (Requiring residents to plough sidewalks has proven to be totally ineffective. The city’s policy of requiring residents to clear sidewalks is only an excuse for them to avoid taking responsibility. (Twitter) – доказало свою полную неэффективность)
27.08.2023 4:23:08 gen. prove oneself доказать, на что ты способен ("You have to prove yourself in America. The good thing about the U.S. is that they're not intimidated by talent that isn't American." (Kevin Newman))
27.08.2023 4:15:16 fig. come through пробиться (We believe that new sprouts will come through the ashes and we will see a new America. -- новые ростки пробьются)
27.08.2023 3:44:28 gen. throw at швырнуть в (sth. at sb. – в кого-л. что-л.: I almost threw my coleslaw at them. Literally. I was holding coleslaw. Like others, it was a car doing a right turn — I was one lane from getting back onto the sidewalk and the car zoomed right in front of me. Unfortunately, I don’t think they even noticed that they almost ran me over. -- я чуть не швырнул в него капустный салат, который был у меня в руках (Reddit))
27.08.2023 3:44:04 gen. throw at запустить в (sth. at sb. – в кого-л. чем-л.: I almost threw my coleslaw at them. Literally. I was holding coleslaw. Like others, it was a car doing a right turn — I was one lane from getting back onto the sidewalk and the car zoomed right in front of me. Unfortunately, I don’t think they even noticed that they almost ran me over. -- я чуть не запустил в него капустным салатом, который держал в руках (Reddit))
27.08.2023 3:03:59 inf. chill отдохнуть (We went to Jericho Beach to chill for a while. • I truly enjoy the moments I get to chill with my friends or head out on a hike into the backcountry.)
27.08.2023 2:59:32 gen. Up yours! Накось, выкуси! ("In 1966, I had a contract tearing down gold rush shacks along the Yukon River. I found 10 ozs. of gold in a container hidden in the ceiling of one of them. The story hit the paper and the territorial government made claim on it. When they came to collect it I said it had been stolen and that I had reported it. The gold was used to make nine decorative rings for my wife which she still has some 47 years later. Up yours Yukon Territorial Government!" (The Province))
27.08.2023 2:53:33 rhetor. who bears the responsibility? кто несёт за это ответственность? (правильный термин – Rhetorical question, а не Rhetoric: Given that this is Fraser Health, I can't say I'm surprised by these conditions in the slightest, but someone is clearly dropping the ball when it comes to our emergency rooms. This question is, who bears the responsibility? burnabynow.com)
27.08.2023 2:50:45 inf. easy bit легко (That was the easy bit. Now comes real work. – Это было легко.)
27.08.2023 2:47:59 gen. come easily легко даваться (Languages come easily to Laura. She is 16 and she speaks fluent French, Spanish and Portuguese.)
27.08.2023 2:45:28 idiom. hard nut непробиваемый человек
27.08.2023 2:30:19 gen. bear a striking resemblance поразительно напоминать (to – кого-л.: To Newport's profound surprise, one of the pictures (seen below) actually features an eerie anomaly in that specific castle window and it bears a striking resemblance to a small child. Strengthening her suspicions that she may have seen some kind of spirit, the vacationer noted that "at the time, the tours weren't open; that's why we were hanging around outside. Someone said after they didn't even think the top floor of the building was open to tourists." -- поразительно напоминает coasttocoastam.com)
27.08.2023 2:27:23 cliche. as luck would have it по счастливому совпадению (While strolling around the property, they suddenly were taken aback when they spotted what appeared to be a little girl in the uppermost window of the medieval building. "I remember thinking 'did we really just see that?,'" Newport later recalled, marveling that "in a blink, she was gone." As luck would have it, she happened to be taking pictures of the castle when the strange sighting occurred and so she checked her phone to see if it might have captured the curious observer that she thought she had noticed. coasttocoastam.com)
27.08.2023 2:24:55 cliche. as luck would have it на счастье (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. (...) Chillingly, the report goes on to state that "the object appeared without warning and there was no time to act." As luck would have it, the airliner managed to avoid colliding with the UFO, which passed the craft by a mere 10 feet. coasttocoastam.com)
26.08.2023 9:39:11 fig. grow and grow разрастаться (When the U.S. government finds out the truth, North Korea is, in essence, turned into radioactive dust. But, it doesn’t end there: Russia is soon dragged in and, on the third day, nuclear weapons are used in Europe. The conflict grows and grows. In less than a week, an all-out nuclear conflict erupts. In less than a couple of hours, Europe, China, Russia, and the United States are destroyed; billions are dead, all as a result of that assassination of the U.S. president. mysteriousuniverse.org)
26.08.2023 9:32:39 fig.of.sp. have a brief glimpse ненадолго заглянуть (of -- в нечто обычно скрытое, недоступное: How could poor, little Eryl have had a brief glimpse of the disaster that would take her life, two days later, and in such an eerie fashion? Indeed, it’s very difficult – if not outright impossible – to dismiss what Eryl said; that the school was missing “because something black was covering it.” mysteriousuniverse.org)
26.08.2023 9:28:21 affect. poor lamb бедняжка

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