
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user dennis890: 4

27.12.2020 19:11:32 geom. central projection центральное проектирование (геометрия: In plane projections, a series of points on one plane may be projected onto a second plane by choosing any focal point, or origin, and constructing lines from that origin that pass through the points on the first plane and impinge upon the second (see illustration). This type of mapping is called a central projection britannica.com)
27.12.2020 17:49:25 geom. parallel projection параллельное проектирование (In a parallel projection, points are projected (onto some plane) in a direction that is parallel to some fixed given vector. stackexchange.com)
27.01.2009 21:54:31 audit. Industry-Specific Construction Standards ВСН (Ведомственные строительные нормы; ISCS; Russian construction standard directory for various industries)
23.01.2009 23:52:50 dipl. special relationship особые отношения (отношения между двумя странами, которые осуществляют тесное военно-политическое взаимодействие на международной арене, а также обладают общей историей и культурой; as in the US-UK 'special relationship', the term first used by Churchill in 1946)