
 English thesaurus - terms added by user Yakov F.: 14

6.01.2022 15:40:31 abbr. med. GAHT gender-affirming hormone therapy
25.04.2017 23:52:57 abbr. astronaut. MLST Mean Local Solar Time
25.04.2017 23:52:57 abbr. astronaut. Mean Local Solar Time MLST
15.12.2016 12:51:49 abbr. progr. GDN Google Display Network
15.12.2016 12:51:49 abbr. progr. Google Display Network GDN
27.06.2013 12:30:37 abbr. law, ADR World Class Operations DCA
27.06.2013 11:30:37 abbr. law, ADR DCA World Class Operations
24.10.2008 10:37:10 abbr. med. MSM men who have sex with men (from a CDC report, Yakov F.)
22.10.2008 14:21:35 abbr. insur. RDC running down clause
12.10.2008 17:37:07 abbr. MRO maintenance, repair and overhaul (Y.F.)
25.03.2008 11:47:07 abbr. PFI personal feedback interview
16.10.2007 19:38:56 abbr. CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (YakovF, полное название 2007 г.)
17.09.2007 21:51:20 abbr. med. STAT code word for "emergency" (Yakov F.)
18.09.2005 19:01:19 abbr. O&G, oilfield. UTC unit technical cost