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Terms for subject Labor law (141 entries)
ħlas għall-konsulenza Consultants' fees
ħtiġijiet ta' ħiliet skill requirements
imblokk blockade
imblokk blocking
impjegatur employer
impjegatur sponsor sponsoring employer
impjegatur sponsor tal-pensjoni pension sponsoring employer
impjieg prekarju precarious employment
impjieg prekarju precarious job
impjieg prekarju precarious work
involviment fis-suq tax-xogħol attachment to the labour market
involviment fis-suq tax-xogħol connection to the labour market
involviment fis-suq tax-xogħol labour market attachment
Kodiċi tat-Taħriġ, Ċertifikazzjoni u Għassa tal-Baħħara Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code
Kodiċi tat-Taħriġ, Ċertifikazzjoni u Għassa tal-Baħħara STCW Code
kollokament job placement
kollokament f'impjieg job placement
kollokament f'impjieg placement
kompetenzi meħtieġa skill requirements
kompetenzi rikjesti skill requirements