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Terms for subject Food industry (1034 entries)
polifosfat tal-kalċju calcium metaphosphate
polifosfat tal-kalċju calcium polymetaphosphate
polifosfat tal-kalċju calcium polyphosphate
polifosfat tal-potassju Kurrol salt
polifosfat tal-potassju potassium metaphosphate
polifosfat tal-potassju potassium polymetaphosphate
polifosfat tal-potassju potassium polyphosphate
polifosfat tas-sodju Graham's salt
polifosfat tas-sodju Maddrell's salt
polifosfat tas-sodju glassy sodium polyphosphate
polifosfat tas-sodju sodium hexametaphosphate
polifosfat tas-sodju sodium metaphosphate
polifosfat tas-sodju sodium polymetaphosphate
polifosfat tas-sodju sodium polyphosphate
polifosfat tas-sodju sodium tetrapolyphosphate
polifosfat tas-sodju u l-kalċju sodium calcium polyphosphate
polifosfati polyphosphates
poliriċinoleat tal-poligliċerol glycerol esters of condensed castor oil fatty acids
poliriċinoleat tal-poligliċerol polyglycerol esters of interesterified ricinoleic acid
poliriċinoleat tal-poligliċerol polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids from castor oil