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Terms for subject Energy industry (567 entries)
kapaċità teknika technical capacity
karburant fuel
karburant motor fuel
karburant fossili fossil fuel
karburant fossili konvenzjonali conventional fossil fuel
Karta Ewropea dwar id-Drittijiet tal-Konsumaturi tal-Enerġija European Charter on the Rights of Energy Consumers
kejbil medjanti array cable
kejbil sottomarin submarine cable
kejbil sottomarin submarine power cable
kejbil sottomarin subsea cable
kejsing casing
kejsing well casing
kejsing tal-bjar casing
kejsing tal-bjar well casing
kilowatt-siegħa Kilowatt-Hour
kilowatt-siegħa kilowatt-hour
kisi bit-tgeżwir hoop wrap
klijent operatur wholesale customer
kodiċi tal-grilja grid code
kodiċi tan-netwerk network code