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Terms for subject Chemistry (2505 entries)
Żomm biss fil-kontenitur oriġinali. Keep only in original container.
Żomm frisk. Keep cool.
Żomm frisk. Ipproteġi mir-raġġi tax-xemx. Keep cool. Protect from sunlight.
Żomm il-kontenitur magħluq sew. Keep container tightly closed.
Żomm il-valvs ta' tnaqqis ħielsa mill-griż u ż-żejt. Keep reduction valves free from grease and oil.
Żomm/Aħżen 'il bogħod mill-ħwejjeġ/…/materjali li jaqbdu. Keep/Store away from clothing/…/combustible materials.
Żommu 'l bogħod minn fejn jistgħu jilħquh it-tfal. Keep out of reach of children.
Żommu mxarrab bi … Keep wetted with…
 l-istess/ugwali sameness
 modifikazzjoni kimika chemical modification