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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (219 entries)
uffiċjal official
uffiċjal anzjan senior official
uffiċjal finanzjarju financial officer
uffiċjal finanzjarju anzjan senior financial officer
uffiċjal finanzjarju prinċipali principal financial officer
uffiċjal finanzjarju subaltern junior financial officer
uffiċjal għoli senior official
uffiċjal klerikali clerk
uffiċjal klerikali aġġunt Clerical Assistant
uffiċjal klerikali aġġunt junior clerk
uffiċjal klerikali prinċipali senior clerk
uffiċjal li jirtira kmieni taħt arranġamenti speċjali official whose service is terminated
uffiċjal li mhux magħruf fejn qiegħed official whose whereabouts are unknown
uffiċjal mediku medical officer
uffiċjal mediku anzjan senior medical officer
uffiċjal mediku prinċipali principal medical officer
uffiċjal mediku subaltern junior medical officer
uffiċjal mhux residenti official who is not and has never been a national of the State in whose territory he is employed
uffiċjal residenti official who is or has been a national of the State in whose territory the place where he/she is employed is situated
uffiċjal sekondat official on secondment