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Terms for subject Finances (4641 entries)
rappreżentant doganali customs representative
rappreżentazzjonijiet tal-maniġment tal-Kummissjoni Commission's management representations
rata diretta outright rate
rata ekoloġika agricultural conversion rate
rata ekoloġika green exchange rate
rata ekoloġika green rate
rata ekoloġika green rate of exchange
rata ewlenija tal-imgħax key interest rate
rata fil-mira mil-lum għall-għada overnight target rate
rata forward forward exchange rate
rata forward tal-imgħax forward interest rate
rata forward tal-imgħax forward rate
rata għall-ġbir tar-riżorsi proprji call-in rate for own resources
rata perċentwali annwali ta' imposta annual percentage rate
rata perċentwali annwali ta' imposta annual percentage rate of charge
rata storika ta' inadempjament historical default rate
rata ta' diżabilità disability rate
rata ta' finanzjament Komunitarju rate of Union co-financing
rata ta' finanzjament Komunitarju co-financing rate
rata ta' finanzjament Komunitarju part-financing rate