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Terms for subject Construction (162 entries)
sistema Eurodac European system for the comparison of the dactyloscopic records of asylum seekers
sistema Eurodac European fingerprinting system
sistema Ewropea għall-analiżi forensika tal-karatteristiċi tad-drogi European Drugs Profiling System
sistema Ewropea għat-tqabbil tar-rekords dattiloskopiċi ta' persuni li jfittxu l-asil European system for the comparison of the dactyloscopic records of asylum seekers
sistema Ewropea għat-tqabbil tar-rekords dattiloskopiċi ta' persuni li jfittxu l-asil European fingerprinting system
sit f'maħdar greenfield site
solarju solarium
spazju ta' art floor area
spazju ta' art floor space
struttura rettikolari space frame structure
struttura trepied tripod
struttura trepied tripod structure
stukko sculptor's plaster
stukko stucco
Suq Ewropew tat-Tagħmir għad-Difiża European Defence Equipment Market
suq intern tal-enerġija Internal Energy Market
suq uniku single market
tajn mortar
tamboċċ roof-light
tamboċċ skylight