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Terms for subject Obsolete / dated (474 entries)
prinċipju tal-ugwaljanza demokratika principle of the equality of its citizens
prinċipju tal-ugwaljanza demokratika principle of democratic equality
proċedura tar-rilaxx local clearance procedure
Proċess ta' Barċellona Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Proċess ta' Barċellona Barcelona Process
Proċess ta' Barċellona EuroMed Partnership
prodott gross domestiku gross domestic product
profil ta' wiċċ it-tajer tread
profil ta' wiċċ it-tajer tyre tread
programm Ewropew ta' monitoraġġ tad-dinja Copernicus
programm Ewropew ta' monitoraġġ tad-dinja European Earth Observation Programme
programm Ewropew ta' monitoraġġ tad-dinja Union Earth observation and monitoring programme
programm Ewropew ta' monitoraġġ tad-dinja European Earth monitoring programme
programm Ewropew ta' monitoraġġ tad-dinja Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
proprjetà ownership
propyl p-hydroxybenzoat propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
Protokoll anness mat-Trattat dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea u mat-Trattati lijistabbilixxu l-Komunità Ewropea Protocol on Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution of Ireland
Protokoll anness mat-Trattat dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea u mat-Trattati lijistabbilixxu l-Komunità Ewropea Protocol annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaties establishing the European Communities
Protokoll dwar il-lokalità tas-sede ta' l-istituzzjonijiet u ta' ċerti korpi u dipartimenti tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej u l-Europol Protocol on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies, offices, agencies and departments of the European Union
Protokoll dwar il-lokalità tas-sede ta' l-istituzzjonijiet u ta' ċerti korpi u dipartimenti tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej u l-Europol Protocol on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies and departments of the European Communities and of Europol