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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (219 entries)
Servizz Ewropew għall-Azzjoni Esterna European External Action Service
Servizz Ewropew għall-Azzjoni Esterna EU diplomatic service
skema tal-pensjoni Ħallas Waqt Li Tkun Għaddej assessment-method pension scheme
skema tal-pensjoni Ħallas Waqt Li Tkun Għaddej pay-as-you-go pension scheme
sospensjoni ta' uffiċjal suspension of an official
spettur veterinarju veterinary inspector
spettur veterinarju anzjan senior veterinary inspector
spettur veterinarju prinċipali principal veterinary inspector
spettur veterinarju subaltern junior veterinary inspector
Stat ta' residenza country of residence
strument li jaħtar uffiċjal instrument appointing an official
tabella tal-persunal establishment plan
tabella tal-persunal list of posts
taxxa fuq l-income income tax
tekniku anzjan senior technician
tekniku subaltern junior technician
tekniku subaltern tal-IT junior IT operative
tekniku tal-IT IT operative
traduttur translator
traduttur anzjan senior translator