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Terms for subject Politics (1750 entries)
klawżola dwar profitt imprevist windfall profit clause
kodiċi tal-kondotta Code of Conduct
kodiċi tal-kondotta Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
koleġiżlatur co-legislator
kompartiment ta' inkubazzjoni incubation chamber
kompetenzi mhux esklużivi non-exclusive competences
kompożizzjoni tal-Bureau composition of the Bureau
kompożizzjoni tal-Parlament composition of Parliament
Komunità tal-pajjiżi fejn hu mitkellem il-Portugiż Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries
konċessjoni kumpensatorja compensatory allowance
konċessjoni kumpensatorja għall-iżvantaġġi naturali permanenti compensatory allowance for permanent natural handicaps
Konfederazzjoni Ġenerali tal-Kooperattivi Agrikoli fl-Unjoni Ewropea General Confederation of Agricultural Co-operatives in the European Union
Konferenza Intergovernattiva Conference of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States
Konferenza Intergovernattiva Intergovernmental Conference
Konferenza Parlamentari tal-Baħar Baltiku Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference
Konferenza ta' Livell Għoli tal-FAO dwar is-Sigurtà Alimentari Dinjija FAO High Level Conference on World Food Security
Konferenza tal-Presidenti Conference of Presidents
Konferenza tal-Presidenti tad-Delegazzjonijiet Conference of Delegation Chairs
Konferenza tal-Presidenti tal-Kumitati Conference of Committee Chairs
Konferenza tar-Rappreżentanti tal-Gvernijiet tal-Istati Membri Conference of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States