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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (1274 entries)
identifikazzjoni (L-) ta’ vittma fit-traffikar tal-persuni identification of a victim of trafficking in human beings
identità konfermata confirmed identity
identità konfermata established identity
identità stabbilita confirmed identity
identità stabbilita established identity
iffalsifikat counterfeit
iffalsifikat counterfeit document
il-faċilità li biha jistgħu jinqasmu l-fruntieri nazzjonali the ease with which national boundaries can be crossed
il-konfini border crossing point
il-kontroll tad-dħul tal-barranin fit-territorju tal-Istati Membri controlling the entry of the alien into the territory of the Member States
Il-Post ta' qsim il-fruntiera border crossing point
il-prinċipju ta' non-refoulement principle of non-refoulement
Il-Punt border crossing point
il-qsim irregolari ta' fruntiera ta' Stat Membru permezz tal-art, tal-baħar jew tal-ajru cross the border into a Member State irregularly by land, sea or air
ilbies pajżan civilian clothes
imkeċċi expelled
immigrant illegali irregular immigrant
immigrant illegali illegal immigrant
immigrant illegali undocumented immigrant
immigrant irregolari irregular immigrant