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Terms for subject Mechanic engineering (332 entries)
kejl dimension
kejl measurement
kejl size
kejl size of a dimension
kejl size of a length
koeffiċjent tal-potenza coefficient of power
koeffiċjent tal-potenza power coefficient
koniċità coning
kontra l-arloġġ anticlockwise
kontra l-arloġġ counterclockwise
kontra l-arloġġ left handed
kontroll elettroniku tal-aċċelleratur drive by wire
kontroll elettroniku tal-aċċelleratur electronic throttle control
kontroll servoassistit power assisted control
kontroll servoassistit power assisted flight control
kontroll tal-kapaċità capacity control
konverżjoni tat-torque conversion of driving
konverżjoni tat-torque conversion of torque
konverżjoni tat-torque torque conversion
konverżjoni totali tal-potenza full power conversion