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Terms for subject Environment (6407 entries)
laborategien arteko konparazio interlaboratory comparison (Tests performed at the same time in different laboratories to validate the quality of the results)
laborategiko esperimentu laboratory experiment (Tests or investigations carried out in a laboratory)
laborategiko hondakin laboratory waste (Discarded materials produced by analytical and research activities in a laboratory)
laborategiko ikerketa laboratory research (Research carried out in a laboratory for testing chemical substances, growing tissues in cultures, or performing microbiological, biochemical, hematological, microscopical, immunological, parasitological tests, etc.)
laborategiko proba laboratory test (Tests, examinations or evaluations performed in a laboratory)
laborategiko teknika laboratory technique (No definition needed)
laborategiko test laboratory test (Tests, examinations or evaluations performed in a laboratory)
labore grain (Edible, starchy seeds of the grass family (Graminae) usable as food by man and his livestock)
labore-ekoizpen crop production (The act or process of yielding produce from farmland, for livestock or human consumption)
labore-produkzio crop production (The act or process of yielding produce from farmland, for livestock or human consumption)
labore-txandaketa crop rotation (An agricultural technique in which, season after season, each field is sown with crop plants in a regular rotation, each crop being repeated at intervals of several years. Crop rotation minimizes the risks of depleting the soil of particular nutrients. In rotation systems, a grain crop is often grown the first year, followed by a leafy-vegetable crop in the second year, and a pasture crop in the third. The last usually contains legumes; such plants can restore nitrogen to the soil. Notwithstanding, high yields tend to depend upon the continued addition of chemical fertilizers to the soil)
laboreak bizkarroiez betetze infestation of crops (Invasion of crop by parasites. Among vertebrate animals, many crop pests are mammals, especially in the order of rodents and birds. Among invertebrates, certain species of gastropods and a large number of roundworms from the class of nematodes harm crops. The most varied and numerous species of crop pests are arthropods-insects, arachnids and some species of millipedes and crustaceans. Diseases vary from viral, bacterial, and nutritional to fungal, environmental and non-specific. The FAO has estimated that annual worldwide losses done by plant pests and diseases amount to approximately 20-25% of the potential worldwide yield of food crops)
laboreen babes crop protection (The problem of crop protection has changed dramatically since 1945. There is now a whole arsenal of chemicals with which to combat agricultural pests and diseases, but this development has itself many drawbacks. Such sophisticated techniques are available only to a minority of farmers; in most parts of the world the standard of crop protection remains abysmally low. In addition, modern crop protection methods have been criticized for relying too heavily on chemical control. Biological controls, both natural and contrived, have been neglected. In some cases involving misuse of agricultural chemicals, crops must be protected from the very measures intended for their protection. Meanwhile previously localized pests and diseases continue to spread worldwide)
laboreen tratamendu crop treatment (Use of chemicals in order to avoid damage of crops by insects or weeds)
laboretegiko saiakuntza laboratory experiment (Tests or investigations carried out in a laboratory)
laginak hartze drawing (To cause to discharge from an abscess or wound or to obtain a sample of tissue or organic liquid for examination)
laginak jasotze drawing (To cause to discharge from an abscess or wound or to obtain a sample of tissue or organic liquid for examination)
laginketa sampling (The obtaining of small representative quantities of material for the purpose of analysis)
laginketa-teknika sampling technique (Method of selecting items at random from a set in such a manner that the sample will be representative of the whole)
laguntza sponsorship (A person, firm, organization, etc. that provides or pledges money for an undertaking or event)