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Terms for subject Environment (6407 entries)
hots sound (Auditory sensation produced by the oscillations, stress, pressure, particle displacement, and particle velocity in a medium with internal forces; pressure variation that the human ear can detect)
hotz cold (No definition needed)
hozgarri refrigerant (A substance that by undergoing a change in phase (liquid to gas, gas to liquid) releases or absorbs a large latent heat in relation to its volume, and thus effects a considerable cooling effect)
hozi embryo (An early stage of development in multicellular organisms)
hozi-plasma germ plasm (The hereditary material transmitted to the offspring via the gametes)
hozitze germination (The beginning or the process of development of a spore or seed)
hozkailu refrigerator (An appliance, a cabinet, or a room for storing food or other substances at a low temperature)
hozte cooling (Setting aside a highly radioactive material until the radioactivity has diminished to a desired level)
hozte refrigeration (The cooling of substances, usually food, below the environmental temperature for preservative purposes. Refrigeration is responsible for the largest and fastest-growing use of CFCs in the developing world. The industrial countries, and some developing countries, have taken exceptional steps to control and, eventually, ban the production of CFCs and other ozone-depleting materials by the year 2000. However, many developing nations have not signed the Montreal Protocol because they are afraid that the cost of changing over to alternative, ozone-friendly technology will be too high)
hozte-industria refrigeration industry (No definition needed)
hozteko dorre cooling tower (A device that aids in heat removal from water used as a coolant in electric power generating plants)
hozteko olio cooling oil (Oil used as a cooling agent, either with forced circulation or with natural circulation)
hozteko ur cooling water (Water used to make something less hot, such as the irradiated elements from a nuclear reactor or the engine of a machine)
humus humus (The more or less decomposed organic matter in the soil. Besides being the source of most of the mineral salts needed by plants, humus improves the texture of the soil and holds water, so reducing the loss of nutrients by leaching)
hurbiltze approach (The way or means of entry or access)
hurbiltze-bide approach (The way or means of entry or access)
hurrengo agindu subsequent order
hustubide-sistema konbinatu combined sewer system (A sewer intended to serve as a sanitary sewer and a storm sewer, or as an industrial sewer and a storm sewer)
hustuketa-erregimen discharge regime (The rate of flow of a river at a particular moment in time, related to its volume and its velocity)
hutsaren industria vacuum industry