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Terms for subject Environment (5949 entries)
defentsa defence (The act or process of protecting citizens or any geographical area by preparing for or by using military means to resist the attack of an enemy)
defoliazio defoliation (1. The drop of foliage from plants caused by herbicides such as Agent Orange, diuron, triazines, all of which interfere with photosynthesis. The use of defoliants, as in Vietnam or in jungle clearance for agriculture, can permanently destroy tropical forests. Once the tree cover is removed, the soil is subjected to erosion and precious nutrients are rapidly leached away. 2. Destroying (an area of jungle, forest, etc.) as by chemical sprays or incendiary bombs, in order to give enemy troops or guerilla forces no place of concealment)
degradagarritasun degradability (The capacity of being decomposed chemically or biologically)
degradazio degradation (A type of organic chemical reaction in which a compound is converted into a simpler compound in stages)
degradazio kimiko chemical degradation (The act or process of simplifying or breaking down a molecule into smaller parts, either naturally or artificially)
degradazio-produktu degradation product (Those chemicals resulting from partial decomposition or chemical breakdown of substances)
dekantazio decantation (Sizing or classifying particulate matter by suspension in a fluid (liquid or gas), the larger particulates tending to separate by sinking)
dekantazio racking (The mechanical dewatering of a wet solid by pouring off the liquid without disturbing the underlying sediment or precipitate)
dekantazio-tanga settling tank (A tank into which a two-phase mixture is fed and the entrained solids settle by gravity during storage)
dekretu decree (A declaration of the court announcing the legal consequences of the facts found)
delegatze devolution (The act of assigning or entrusting authority, powers or functions to another as deputy or agent, typically to a subordinate in the administrative structure of an organization or institution)
delinkuentzia delinquency
delitu crime (Any act done in violation of those duties which an individual owes to the community, and for the breach of which the law has provided that the offender shall make satisfaction to the public)
delta delta (A delta is a vast, fan-shaped creation of land, or low-lying plain, formed from successive layers of sediment washed from uplands to the mouth of some rivers, such as the Nile, the Mississippi and the Ganges. The nutrient-rich sediment is deposited by rivers at the point where, or before which, the river flows into the sea. Deltas are formed when rivers supply and deposit sediments more quickly that they can be removed by waves of ocean currents. The importance of deltas was first discovered by prehistoric man, who was attracted to them because of their abundant animal and plant life. Connecting waterways through the deltas later provided natural routes for navigation and trade, and opened up access to the interior. Deltas are highly fertile and often highly populated areas. They would be under serious threat of flooding from any sea-level rise)
demografia demography (The statistical study of human vital statistics and population dynamics)
demokrazia democracy (A system of governance in which ultimate authority power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their freely elected agents)
denbora time (1. The dimension of the physical universe which, at a given place, orders the sequence of events. 2. A designated instant in this sequence, as the time of day. Also known as epoch)
denbora-aurreikuspen time budget (Determining or planning for allotment of time in hours, days, weeks, etc.)
denbora-esleipen time allocation (The act of assigning various hours of one's day, week or year to particular activities, especially those falling within the categories of work and leisure)
denda shop (A place, especially a small building, for the retail sale of goods and services)