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Terms for subject Environment (6662 entries)
daljinsko ogrevanje district heating
daljinsko ogrevanje teleheating
daljinsko ogrevanje municipal heating network
daljnovod overhead power line
datiranje dating
davčna politika taxation policy
davčna spodbuda incentive tax
davčna zakonodaja tax law
davčni sistem tax system
davek na dohodek income tax (A tax on the annual profits arising from property, business pursuits, professions, trades or offices)
davek na kapital tax on capital
davek na ogljikov dioksid carbon dioxide tax
davek na porabo tax on consumption
decentralizacija decentralisation
dednina germ plasm
defoliacija defoliation (1. The drop of foliage from plants caused by herbicides such as Agent Orange, diuron, triazines, all of which interfere with photosynthesis. The use of defoliants, as in Vietnam or in jungle clearance for agriculture, can permanently destroy tropical forests. Once the tree cover is removed, the soil is subjected to erosion and precious nutrients are rapidly leached away. 2. Destroying (an area of jungle, forest, etc.) as by chemical sprays or incendiary bombs, in order to give enemy troops or guerilla forces no place of concealment)
degradacija gozdov forest degradation
degradacija okolja degradation of the environment
degradacija okolja deterioration of the environment
degradacija okolja environmental decay