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Terms for subject Communications (1152 entries)
transponder mode S Mode S transponder
transportna plast layer 4
transportna plast transport layer
Tretji dodatni protokol k protokolu Evropskega sporazuma o zaščiti televizijskih oddaj Third Additional Protocol to the Protocol to the European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts
trg veleprodajnega širokopasovnega dostopa market for wholesale broadband access
trgati tear
trgovanje s spektrom spectrum trading
trojanec Trojan horse
trojanec trojan
trojanski konj trojan
troposfersko sipanje tropospheric scatter
troposfersko sipanje tropospheric scatter propagation
troposfersko sipanje tropospheric scattering
troposfersko sipanje troposcatter
TTP time-triggered protocol
učinkovita uporaba efficient use
učinkovito upravljanje efficient management
udarna aplikacija killer application
ugotavljanje položaja positioning
ugotovitev finding