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Terms for subject Environment (6662 entries)
hidrografska mreža hydrographic network
hidrokultura hydroculture
hidroliza hydrolysis (1. Decomposition or alteration of a chemical substance by water. 2. In aqueous solutions of electrolytes, the reactions of cations with water to produce a weak base or of anions to produce a weak acid)
hidrologija hydrology
hidrologija water science
hidrološke značilnosti območja hydrologic flow
hidrološki cikel hydrologic cycle
hidrološko ravnovesje hydrologic balance
hidromelioracije agricultural hydraulics
hidrometeorologija hydrometeorology
hidrometrija hydrometry
hidrosfera hydrosphere
hidrotehnika hydraulic engineering
higiena hygiene
higiena okolja environmental health
hipertekst hypertext
hišni ljubljenček pet
hišni vrt home garden
hiter začetek financiranja fast-start financing
hiter začetek financiranja fast-start funding