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Terms for subject Environment (6584 entries)
sekvestrácia oxidu uhličitého do pôdy soil carbon sequestration
selekcia rastlín plant selection (The selection by man of particular genotypes in a plant population because they exhibit desired phenotypic characters)
selektívna katalytická redukcia selective catalytic converter reduction
selektívna katalytická redukcia selective catalytic reduction
selektívne pestovanie rastlín selective breeding of plants (Breeding of plants having desirable characters)
selektívny chov živočíchov selective breeding of animals (Breeding of animals having desirable characters)
selén selenium (A highly toxic, nonmetallic element; used in analytical chemistry, metallurgy, and photoelectric cells)
semenné rastliny phanerogam (Plants that produce seeds. The group comprises the Gymnospermae and the Angiospermae)
semeno seed (A mature fertilized plant ovule, consisting of an embryo and its food store surrounded by a protective seed coat (testa); biology)
senzor sensor (The generic name for a device that senses either the absolute value or a change in a physical quantity such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, or pH, or the intensity of light, sound, or ratio waves and converts that change into a useful input signal for an information-gathering system)
separácia látok separation (The separation of one substance from another when they are intimately mixed. For example the removal of oil from water, or gas from oil or oil from gas, etc.)
separácia pri zdroji separation at source (Segregating various wastes at the point of generation (e.g. separation of paper, metal and glass from other wastes) to make recycling simpler and more efficient)
separátor separator (A machine for separating materials of different specific gravity by means of water or air)
separátor častíc particle separator (A device for segregation of solid particles by size range, as a screening)
separátor ľahkých kvapalín separator of light liquids (A mechanical device for separating and removing residues from fuel and lubricating oil from waste water coming from filling stations and industrial plants in order to avoid pollution of water bodies; this system is based on the different specific weights of water and fuel residues that float on the water and can be easily removed)
separovaný zber separated collection
septik septic tank (A tank, usually underground, into which sewage flows, the deposited matter being wholly, or partially broken down through anaerobic action. The final effluent may be allowed to soak into the ground through a system of agricultural drains, if the soil is suitable. Alternatively, the tank must be emptied at regular intervals by a special road-tanker)
serov černastý Chinese serow
serov černastý Southwest China serow
serov červený Red serow