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Terms for subject General (5829 entries)
partnerstvo na budovanie mieru Peace-building Partnership
partnerstvo pre modernizáciu Partnership for Modernisation
Partnerstvo za mier Partnership for Peace
pas krajiny national passport
pasívna korupcia passive bribery
pasívna korupcia passive corruption
patent EÚ European Union patent
patent EÚ Community patent
patent EÚ EU patent
patent v konaní patent application pending
patent v konaní patent pending
paušálna hodnota flat-rate value
pelety pellets
pena froth
penenie frothing
pentahydrát pentahydrate
percentuálny bod percentage point
perfúzia perfusion
Pericles 2020 exchange, assistance and training programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting
Pericles 2020 Pericles 2020