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Terms for subject Environment (5582 entries)
biogeoquímica biogeochemistry
biologia biology (A division of the natural sciences concerned with the study of life and living organisms)
biologia animal animal biology (The scientific study of the natural processes of animals)
biologia d'estuaris estuarine biology (The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with freshwater)
biologia de l'aigua dolça freshwater biology (The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a natural body of water that does not contain significant amounts of dissolved salts and minerals, such as a lake or river)
biologia de l'aire aerobiology (The study of the atmospheric dispersal of airborne fungus spores, pollen grains, and microorganisms; and, more broadly, of airborne propagules of algae and protozoans, minute insects such as aphids, and pollution gases and particles which exert specific biologic effects)
biologia del sòl soil biology (The study of the living organisms, mainly microorganisms and microinvertebrates which live within the soil, and which are largely responsible for the decomposition processes vital to soil fertility)
biologia humana human biology (The study of human life and character)
biologia marina marine biology (A branch of biology that deals with those living organisms which inhabit the sea)
biologia molecular molecular biology (The study of the chemical structures and processes of biological phenomena at the molecular level; the discipline is particularly concerned with the study of proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes, the macromolecules essential to life processes. It seeks to understand the molecular basis of genetic processes. Techniques used include X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy)
biologia vegetal plant biology (The scientific study of the natural processes of plants)
bioluminescència bioluminescence (The production of light of various colors by living organisms (e.g. some bacteria and fungi, glow-worms and many marine animals). Luminescence is produced by a biochemical reaction, which is catalyzed by an enzyme. In some animals the light is used as a mating signal; in others it may be a protective device. In deep-sea forms luminous organs may serve as lanterns)
biomassa biomass (Biomass refers strictly speaking to the total weight of all the living things in an ecosystem. However, it has come to refer to the amount of plant and crop material that could be produced in an ecosystem for making biofuels and other raw materials used in industry, for example)
bioquímica biochemistry (The study of chemical substances occurring in living organisms and the reactions and methods for identifying these substances)
bioreactor bioreactor (A container, such as a large fermentation chamber, for growing living organisms that are used in the industrial production of substances such as pharmaceuticals, antibodies, or vaccines)
bioseguretat biosafety (The combination of knowledge, techniques and equipment used to manage or contain potentially infectious materials or biohazards in the laboratory environment, to reduce or prevent harm to laboratory workers, other persons and the environment)
biosfera biosphere (That part of the Earth and atmosphere capable of supporting living organisms)
biosíntesi biosynthesis (Production, by synthesis or degradation, of a chemical compound by a living organism)
biotecnologia biotechnology (A combination of biology and technology. It is used to describe developments in the application of biological organisms for commercial and scientific purposes. So "bio" stands for biology and the science of life, and "tech" stands for technology, or the tools and techniques that the biotechnologists have in their workbox. Those tools and techniques include microorganisms and a range of methods for manipulating them, such as genetic engineering)
biotecnologia agrícola agricultural biotechnology