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Terms for subject Environment (5582 entries)
accident accident (An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss with the potential for harming human life, property or the environment)
accident ambiental environmental accident (An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss, with the potential for harming the ecosystem or natural resources)
accident de trànsit traffic accident (An unexpected incident with potential for harm occurring through the movement or collision of vessels, vehicles or persons along a land, water, air or space route)
accident de treball work accident (Accident occurring in the course of the employment and caused by inherent or related factors arising from the operation of materials of one's occupation)
accident major major accident (An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss beyond normal or specified levels with the potential for harming human life, property or the environment)
accident naval shipping accident (An unexpected incident, failure or loss involving a vessel or its contents in the course of commercial transport that poses potential harm to persons, property or the environment)
accident nuclear nuclear accident (An event occurring in a nuclear power plant or anywhere that radioactive materials are used, stored, or transported and involving the release of potentially dangerous levels of radioactive materials into the environment)
accident tecnològic technological accident (An unexpected incident, failure or loss occurring through the application of practical or mechanical sciences to industry or commerce that poses potential harm to persons, property or the environment)
acció pública public action (A measure or provision taken on behalf and with the consent of the general populace)
acer steel (Any of various alloys based on iron containing carbon (usually 0.1-0.7 per cent) and often small quantities of other elements such as phosphorus, sulphur, manganese, chromium, and nickel. Steels exhibit a variety of properties, such as strength, machinability, malleability, etc., depending on their composition and the way they have been treated)
àcid acid (A compound capable of transferring a hydrogen ion in solution)
àcid clorhídric hydrochloric acid (A solution of hydrogen chloride gas in water; a poisonous, pungent liquid forming a constant-boiling mixture at 20% concentration in water; widely used as a reagent, in organic synthesis, in acidizing oil wells, ore reduction, food processing, and metal cleaning and pickling. Also known as muriatic acid, HCl)
àcid diluït diluted acid (A less concentrated acid)
àcid nucleic nucleic acid (Any of several organic acids combined with proteins (DNA or RNA) which exist in the nucleus and protoplasm of all cells)
àcid sulfhídric hydrogen sulphide (Flammable, poisonous gas with characteristic odour of rotten eggs, perceptible in air in a dilution of 0.002 mg/l. It is used as a reagent in chemical analysis; extremely hazardous; collapse, coma and death from respiratory failure may come within a few seconds after one or two inspirations; low concentrations produce irritation of conjunctiva and mucous membranes. Headache, dizziness, nausea, lassitude may appear after exposure, H2S)
àcid sulfúric sulphuric acid (A toxic, corrosive, strongly acid, colorless liquid that is miscible with water and dissolves most metals, and melts at 10C; used in industry in the manufacture of chemicals, fertilizers and explosives, and in petroleum refining)
acidesa acidity (The state of being acid that is of being capable of transferring a hydrogen ion in solution)
acidesa forta strong acidity (High degree of ionization of an acid in water solution)
acidificació acidification (Addition of an acid to a solution until the pH falls below 7)
acidificació del sòl soil acidification (A naturally occurring process in humid climates that has long been the subject of research, whose findings suggest acid precipitation effects. The generally accepted impact of soil acidification on the productivity of terrestrial plants is summarised as follows: as soil becomes more acidic the basic cations (Ca, Mg) on the soil exchange are replaced by hydrogen ions or solubilized metals. The basic cation, now in solution, can be leached through the soil. As time progresses the soil becomes less fertile and more acidic. Resultant decreases in soil pH cause reduced, less-active population of soil microorganisms, which in turn slow decomposition of plant residues and cycling of essential plant nutrients)