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Terms for subject Microsoft (5590 entries)
Office hlið við hlið Office Side-by-Side
Office-efnisforrit content app for Office
Office-fjarmælingabúnaður Office Telemetry Agent
Office-fjarmælingaskrá Office Telemetry Log
Office-fjarmælingaskráning Office telemetry logging
Office-fjarmælingastjórnborð Office Telemetry Dashboard
Office-fjarmælingavinnsla Office Telemetry Processor
Office-forrit app for Office
Office-gagnatengiskrá Office data connection file
Office-hnappur Office Button
Office-samhæfisskilgreiningarskrá Office compatibility definition file
Office-skjalabiðminni Office Document Cache
Office-verslun Office Store
Office-virkjað tæki Office enabled device
öflugt aðgangsorð strong password (A password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. A strong password is at least eight characters long, does not contain all or part of the user's account name, and contains at least three of the four following categories of characters: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols found on the keyboard (such as !,
óframseljanleg ávísun non-negotiable check
óframseljanlegt viðskiptabréf non-negotiable instrument
öfugt skástrik backslash
öfugur broddur grave accent
ófullnægjandi lykilnúmer partially qualified account number