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Terms for subject Procedural law (846 entries)
alimentante maintenance debtor
alimentante person obliged to aliment
alimentante person with a duty to maintain
alimentista maintenance creditor
alimentista person owed an obligation of aliment
alimentos aliment
alimentos maintenance
alumbramiento confinement
anulación avoidance
anulación del matrimonio marriage annulment
anulación matrimonial marriage annulment
apoderado agent
arrendamiento de terreno lease of land
ascendiente forebear
ascendiente lineal ascendant
asistencia educativa assistance with the upbringing of the child
atribución de la patria potestad acquisition of parental responsibility
atribución de la patria potestad conferral of parental responsibility
atribución de la patria potestad attribution of parental responsibility
atribución del apellido choice of surname