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Terms for subject Law (24283 entries)
vacaciones anuales no disfrutadas annual leave not used up
vacaciones legales legal holiday
vacaciones legales statutory holiday
vacante al mismo tiempo vacant at the same time
vacante de director ejecutivo vacant directorship
vacante de puestos posts that are vacant
vacante del cargo vacancy on the bench
vacío jurídico legal vacuum
vacío jurídico legal hiatus
vacío legislativo regulatory gap
vacío político policy vacuum
vacuna protection money
vagabundeo loitering
vagabundo vagrant
vagancia vagrancy (begging; wandering from place to place without working)
vagancia vagrancy
vagancia loitering
vagar loitering (lingering, spending time idly in one area)
Valedor del Pueblo Ombudsman of the Autonomous Community of Galicia
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