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Terms for subject Politics (10761 entries)
Pacto Andino Andean Pact
Pacto Andino Andean Pact (Andean Community)
Pacto de Varsovia WTO
Pacto de Varsovia Warsaw Pact
Pacto de Varsovia Warsaw Treaty Organization
Pacto internacional relativo a los derechos económicos,sociales y culturales International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Pacto Mundial para el Empleo Global Jobs Pact
Pacto Mundial para el Empleo Global Jobs Pact (The Global Jobs Pact is the decent work response to the 2009 economic crisis agreed to by the ILO's tripartite constituency at the 98th Session (2009) of the International Labour Conference)
pacto social social pact (Agreement between the social partners within a given sector or in society as a whole. According to the country, there are two (employers and trade unions) or three, when government representatives participate)
pacto territorial para el empleo Territorial Employment Pact
padres parent
Padres y Hermanos de Maryknoll Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
pago a destajo payment by result
pago a destajo payment by result (Payment made according to the quantity of goods produced)
pago a plazos instalment credit
pago a plazos instalment credit (consumer credit)
pago de prestaciones payment of benefits
pago de prestaciones payment of benefits (Refers to the procedures involved in paying benefits. Use METHOD OF PAYMENT for the mechanism by which a benefit is paid (e.g. cheque, cash, bank transfer, smart card, etc))
país emergente Participating Countries