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Terms for subject Environment (21507 entries)
vulcanización vulcanization (A chemical reaction of sulfur (or other vulcanizing agent) with rubber or plastic to cause cross-linking of the polymer chains; it increases strength and resiliency of the polymer)
vulcanología volcanology (The branch of geology that deals with volcanism)
vulnerabilidad vulnerability status
wallabi rayado band-hare-wallaby
wallabi rayado munning
wallabi rojo Western hare-wallaby
wallabi rojo ormala
wallabi rojo rufous
wallabi rojo wurrup
Waternet Network for monitoring European water resources
Waternet Waternet
white spirit white spirit
World Wide Web World Wide Web (A graphical, interactive, hypertext information system that is cross-platform and can be run locally or over the global Internet. The Web consists of Web servers offering pages of information to Web browsers who view and interact with the pages. Pages can contain formatted text, background colors, graphics, as well as audio and video clips. Simple links in a Web page can cause the browser to jump to a different part of the same page or to a page on a Web server halfway around the world. Web pages can be used to send mail, read news, and download files. A Web address is called a URL)
xerófilo xerophilous
xerófita drought-persistent plant
xerófita xerophilous plant
xerófita xerophyte
xerotérmico xerothermic
yack wild yak
yarovización vernalization