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Terms for subject General (84093 entries)
programa indicativo indicative programme
Programa indicativo MEDA indicative programme concerning financial and technical measures to accompany the reform of economic and social structures in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership
Programa Indicativo Nacional (ayuda programable) national indicative programme
Programa Indicativo Nacional National Indicative Programme
programa indicativo plurianual Multiannual Indicative Programme
Programa Indicativo Regional regional indicative programme
programa indicativo sobre el envejecimiento de las centrales nucleares indicative programme related to the ageing of nuclear power plants
programa informático de código abierto open-source software
programa informático multidimensional multidimensional software programme
programa innovador innovative measure
programa integrado integrated programme
Programa Integrado Conjunto de Asistencia Técnica Joint Integrated Technical Assistance Programme
programa integrado en favor de las PYME y el artesanado Integrated programme in favour of SMEs and the craft sector
Programa Interamericano de Acción de Río de Janeiro contra el Consumo, la Producción y el Tráfico Ilícito de Estupefacientes y Sustancias Psicotrópicas Inter-American Programme of action of Rio de Janeiro against the illicit use and production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and traffic therein
programa interestatal TACIS TACIS inter-state programme
Programa Internacional de Asistencia a la Formación en Investigaciones Criminales International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Programme
programa legislativo anual annual legislative programme
Programa Marco Framework programme
Programa Marco R&DT
Programa marco de cooperación industrial de las inversiones en favor de los países de la América Latina Framework industrial cooperation and investment promotion programme for the countries of Latin America