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Terms for subject Environment (21507 entries)
oceanografía física physical oceanography (The study of the physical aspects of the ocean, the movements of the sea, and the variability of these factors in relationship to the atmosphere and the ocean bottom)
oceanografía física physical oceanography
oceanografía química chemical oceanography
océanos ocean (The mass of water occupying all of the Earth's surface not occupied by land, but excluding all lakes and inland seas)
ocelote ocelot
ocupación occupation
ocupación del suelo land occupation (The use, settlement or possession of solid areas of the earth's surface)
ocupación del suelo land cover
odonato odonate
odorímetro olfactometer
oferta supply (The willingness and ability to sell a range of quantities of a good at a range of prices, during a given time period. Supply is one half of the market exchange process; the other is demand; trade)
oferta (comercio) supply (trade)
oferta y demanda supply and demand (The relationship between the amount or quantity of a commodity that is available for purchase and the desire or ability of consumers to buy or purchase the commodity, which, in theory, determines the commodity's price in a free market)
oficina office (Any room, set of rooms or building used for the administration of government service, business transactions or other work related activities)
oficina de reparación repair business (Any commercial activity, position or site that involves work in restoring or fixing some material thing or structure, such as by replacing parts or putting together something torn, broken or detached)
oficina de reparación repair business
Oficina de Riesgos de Accidentes Graves Major-Accident Hazards Bureau
oficina europea de homologación de nuevas sustancias European office for the approval of new substances
Oficina europea de prevención y control integrados de la contaminación European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau
Oficina Europea del Medio Ambiente European Environment Bureau