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Terms for subject Statistics (10082 entries)
niveles de un factor levels within factors
no ajustado estacionalmente seasonally unadjusted
no clasificado en otra parte not elsewhere classified
no declarado non-reporting
no descortezado unbarked
no estocástico nonstochastic
no exentos insured non exempts
no exentos non exempts
no identificado en otra parte not elsewhere identified
no incluido en otra parte not elsewhere included
no normalidad non-normality
no se dispone de datos data not available
no soltera ever-married person
no soltero ever-married person
no-aditivo nonadditive
nogal destinado principalmente a la producción de frutos walnut primarily grown for fruit
Nomenclatura Combinada Combined Nomenclature
nomenclatura estadística de actividades económicas en la Comunidad Europea statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community
nómico nomic
nomograma line chart