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Terms for subject Environment (21507 entries)
marisco shellfish
marisma swamp (A permanently waterlogged area in which there is often associated tree growth, e.g. mangroves in hot climates)
marisma mud flat (A relatively level area of fine silt along a shore (as in a sheltered estuary) or around an island, alternately covered and uncovered by the tide, or covered by shallow water)
marisma marsh
marisma mud flat
marisma swamp
marisma fluvial river marsh
marisma salina panónica Pannonic salt marsh
marismas y pastizales salinos atlánticos Atlantic salt marshes and salt meadows
marjal river marsh
markhor markhor
mármol marble (Metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized calcite or dolomite)
marsopa del Pacífico Gulf of California harbour porpoise
marsopa del Pacífico Gulf porpoise
marsopa del Pacífico cochito
marsopa del Pacífico vaguita
marsopa india Indian finnless porpoise
marsopa india black finnless porpoise
marsopa india finnless black porpoise
marsopa india finnless porpoise