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Terms for subject Politics (10761 entries)
huelga de brazos caìdos slowdown
huelga de brazos caìdos slowdown (Reduction of the rate of work by a group of employees to draw attention to their grievance)
huelga de reglamento work to rule
huelga de reglamento work to rule (slowdown)
huelga de simpatìa sympathy strike
huelga general general strike
huelga ilegal unofficial strike
huelguista striker
huérfanos orphans
humanización del trabajo humanization of work
humanización del trabajo humanization of work (quality of working life)
húngaro Hungarian
Hungrìa Hungary
ICP prior informed consent
identificación biométrica biometric identification
identificación biométrica biometric identification (A form of personal identification involving the comparison of a measured biological characteristic such as a fingerprint or signature)
ideologìa ideology
ideologìa polìtica political ideology
idioma idiom
idioma materno mother tongue