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Terms for subject Politics (10761 entries)
horno para alfarerìa kiln
hortaliza vegetable
horticultor horticulturist
horticultor horticulturist (gardener)
hospedaje lodging
hospedaje lodging (accommodation)
hospital psiquiátrico mental hospital
hospital psiquiátrico mental hospital (hospital)
hotel hotel
hotel de aplicación training hotel
hotel de aplicación training hotel (Hotel attached to an hotel school in order to provide pupils with practical training alternating with formal lessons)
hotelerìa hotel industry
Hotelerìa Hotel sector
hoteleria, turismo y sector terciario hotel, tourism and service sector
huelga con ocupación sitdown strike
huelga de brazos caìdos slowdown
huelga de brazos caìdos slowdown (Reduction of the rate of work by a group of employees to draw attention to their grievance)
huelga de reglamento work to rule
huelga de reglamento work to rule (slowdown)
huelga de simpatìa sympathy strike