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Terms for subject Environment (21507 entries)
aumento del nivel del mar sea level rise (Sea-level rises are a possible consequence of global warming. As the amount of free water in the oceans increases, and as the water becomes warmer, global warming will increase. In addition, according to theory, the heating at the poles may reduce the amount of water trapped in glaciers and ice caps)
aumento del nivel del mar sea level rise
aumento mundial de la temperatura global warming
auramina auramine
aurora aurora
aurora aurora polaris
aurora polar aurora
aurora austral aurora australis
aurora austral southern lights
aurora iluminada por el sol sunlit aurora
aurora polar aurora
aurora polar aurora polaris
aurora polar polar aurora
Australasia Australasia
autillo de Guerney giant scops owl
autobus bus (A large, long-bodied motor vehicle equipped with seating for passengers, usually operating as part of a scheduled service)
autocontrol self-monitoring (No definition needed)
autocontrol self-monitoring
autodepuración natural self-purifying capacity
autodepuración natural natural self-purification