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Terms for subject Politics (11298 entries)
Asamblea General General Assembly
Asamblea Interparlamentaria Báltica Baltic Assembly
Asamblea Mundial de Empresas Pequeñas y Medianas World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises
Asamblea Municipal de Poder Popular Municipal Assembly of People's Power
Asamblea Nacional búlgara Bulgarian Parliament
Asamblea Nacional de Organizaciones Juveniles de la República de Azerbaiyán National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Asamblea Nacional eslovena Slovene National Assembly
Asamblea Nacional francesa French National Assembly
Asamblea Nacional húngara Hungarian Parliament
Asamblea Parlamentaria de la Unión para el Mediterráneo Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
Asamblea Parlamentaria Paritaria ACP-UE ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos Permanent Assembly for Human Rights
asbesto asbestos
asentamiento humano human settlement
asesoramiento counselling
asesoramiento military advice
asesoramiento counselling (Includes counselling on outplacement and redundancy)
asesoramiento jurìdico legal aid
asesoramiento militar military advice