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Terms for subject Environment (21507 entries)
alegación de estado de avance de la técnica state of the art defence
alerce Chilean false larch
alerce alerce
alerce Patagonian cypress
alergia allergy (A condition of abnormal sensitivity in certain individuals to contact with substances such as proteins, pollens, bacteria, and certain foods. This contact may result in exaggerated physiologic responses such as hay fever, asthma, and in severe enough situations, anaphylactic shock)
alergias allergen (Any antigen, such as pollen, a drug, or food, that induces an allergic state in humans or animals)
alerta alarm
alerta roja red flag warning
alevín alevin
alga azul blue-green algae
alga cultivada en aguas residuales sewage-grown algae
alga roja coralina coralline red algae
alga sésile sessile algae
alga verde-azul blue-green alga (Microorganisms, formerly classified as algae but now regarded as bacteria, including nostoc, which contain a blue pigment in addition to chlorophyll)
alga verde-azul blue-green alga
alga verde-azul blue-green algae
algarrobo del desierto desert locust
algas alga (Simple, green, aquatic plants without stems, roots or leaves. They are among the microscopic organisms that form the start of the food chain. Algae are found floating in the sea and fresh water, but they also grow on the surface of damp walls, rocks, the bark of trees and on soil. They contain chlorophyll and other pigments that let them grow by photosynthesis. On land, algae can be useful in improving the fertility of soil by nitrogen fixation)
algas alga
algas rojas red seaweeds