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Terms for subject Law (24677 entries)
Al Qaeda del norte del África islámica Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
ala anexa annex building
alambre de platino platinum wire
alargar la tramitación de la causa prolong administrative proceedings
albacea executor of an estate
albacea executor of a will
albacea receiver
albacea independiente independent executor
alcahuetamiento pimping (acting as agent for prostitutes)
alcahuetear pandering
alcance de la competencia extent of jurisdiction
alcance de la protección de la marca scope of protection of the trade mark
alcance del orden público internacional belga scope of Belgian international public policy
alcance jurídico legal significance
alcance real de un modelo de utilidad effective scope of the utility model
alcoholímetro alcohol sensor
alcoholímetro en el encendido ignition interlock device
alegación allegation (statement of fact the party intends to prove)
alegación plea
alegacion allegation