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Terms for subject Politics (11298 entries)
alimento contaminado contaminated food
alimento contaminado contaminated food (food contamination)
alimento y nutricion food and nutrition
alimentos como arma food as a weapon
alimentos como instrumento de presión política y económica food as an instrument for political and economic pressure
alivio de la deuda debt relief
alivio de la deuda debt relief (An agreement by the creditors of an indebted firm or country to accept reduced or postpone interest and redemption payments from the debtors)
almacenamiento de agua water storage
almacenamiento de alimentos food storage
almacenamiento público public storage
alojamiento accommodation
alojamiento de la tripulación crew accommodation
alojamiento de la tripulación crew accommodation (Includes sleeping rooms, mess rooms, sanitary accommodation, hospital accommodation and recreation accommodation provided for the use of the crew)
alta dirección top management
alta dirección top management (Persons responsible for the overall running of an organization)
altiplanicie plateau
alto coeficiente de capital capital intensive (With relatively greater plant and equipment costs than labour costs)
Alto Comisionado de la Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Alto Representante de la Política Exterior y de Seguridad Común High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy