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Terms for subject Politics (10761 entries)
vehìculo vehicle
vehìculo a motor motor vehicle
vehiculos => o8.14.7 vehicles => o8.14.7
vejez old age
vejez demográfica demographic ageing
vejez demográfica demographic ageing (ageing population)
vendedor salesperson
vendedor ambulante street vendor
venta de niños sale of children
venta de niños sale of children (child trafficking)
ventaja comparativa comparative advantage
Ventas Sales
ventas sales
ventas sales (Do not confuse with MARKETING)
verificación de credenciales verification of credentials
verificación de recursos means test
verificación de recursos means test (Assessment of income and/or assets to determine eligibility for social security benefits)
vértigo alternobárico alternobaric vertigo
vértigo alternobárico pressure vertigo
veterano de guerra war veteran