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Terms for subject Environment (21514 entries)
tamarín de pies blancos white-footed tamarin
tamarín pinche Liszt monkey
tamarín pinche cotton-headed tamarin
tamarín pinche cotton-top marmoset
tamarín pinche cotton-top tamarin
tamarín pinche pinche marmoset
tamarín pinche rufous-naped tamarin
tambor de residuos waste drum
tambor de residuos waste dryer
tamiz con labes wing screen
tamiz de baja presión low pressure screen
tamiz rotativo rascador cup screen
tamiz rotativo rascador drum screen
tamizado sieve analysis
tanino tannin (One of a group of complex organic chemicals commonly found in leaves, unripe fruits, and the bark of trees. Their function is uncertain though the unpleasant taste may discourage grazing animals. Some tannins have commercial uses, notably in the production of leather and ink; used in tanning, as a mordant in dyeing, and in ink manufacture)
tanino tanning
tanque colector de lodos silt-container
tanque combinado combined tank
tanque de activación de lodos en reacción activation reactor
tanque de aireación aeration reactor