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Terms for subject Politics (10761 entries)
salida de socorro emergency exit
salón de sesiones Chamber
Salud Health
salud en el trabajo occupational health
salud en el trabajo occupational health (Concerns the physical and mental health of workers and includes the study of work methods, conditions of work and factors in the working environment that may cause diseases or injuries. (1997))
Salud ocupacional contra riesgos Occupational safety hazards
salud y seguridad health and safety
salud, incapacidad, medicina health, disability, medicine
Salvador Salvador
salvo decisión en contrario save as otherwise decided
Samoa EU American Samoa
Samoa Occidental Western Samoa
San Cristóbal Nieves y Anguila St Kitts Nevis Anguilla
San Cristóbal y Nieves St Kitts Nevis
San Pedro y Miquelón St Pierre and Miquelon
San Pedro y Miquelón St Pierre and Miquelon (French Overseas Territorial Collectivity)
San Vicente y las Granadinas St Vincent and the Grenadines
sanción económica economic sanction
sanción económica economic sanction (sanction)
sanción pecuniaria pecuniary penalty