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Terms for subject Environment (21514 entries)
paisaje aterrazado terraced landscape (Landscape resulting from the method of cultivating land by cutting terraces or benches into slopes to create areas of flat land. The practice is common in mountainous areas where land is scarce and rainfall uncertain)
paisaje aterrazado terraced landscape
paisaje después de la explotación minera landscape after mining (The process of mining disfigures the surface of the land, and in the absence of reclamation leads to permanent scars. The process spoils the vital topsoil, disrupts drainage patterns, destroys the productive capacity of agricultural and forest land and impairs their aesthetic and social value)
paisaje después de la explotación minera landscape after mining
paisaje exterior outdoor landscape
paisaje fluvial river landscape
paisaje industrial industrial landscape
paisaje marítimo protegido protected seascape
paisaje natural natural scenery (An area where human effects, if present, are not significant to the landscape as a whole)
paisaje natural virgin landscape
paisaje natural natural scenery
paisaje protegido protected landscape
paisaje rural rural landscape
paisaje urbano urban landscape (The traits, patterns and structure of a city's specific geographic area, including its biological composition, its physical environment and its social patterns)
paisaje visual visible landscape
paisajes protegidos protected landscape (Natural or man-made areas which have been reserved for conservation, scientific, educational and/or recreational purposes)
paisajes protegidos protected landscape
paisajismo landscape planning
países afectados affected countries
países en desarrollo developing countries