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Terms for subject Politics (10761 entries)
necesidades de vivienda housing needs
necesidades esenciales basic needs
necesidades esenciales basic needs (Includes certain minimum requirements of a family for private consumption (adequate food, shelter, clothing, household equipment and furniture) and essential services provided by and for the community at large (safe drinking water, sanitation, public transport and health, educational and cultural facilities))
neerlandés Dutch
negociación negotiation (A process in which two or more parties with common and conflicting interests come together and talk with a view to reaching an agreement)
Negociación colectiva Collective bargaining
negociación colectiva collective bargaining (All negotiations which take place between one or more employers or employers' organisations, on the one hand, and one or more workers' organisations, on the other, for determining working conditions and terms of employment or for regulating relations between employers and workers)
negociación comercial trade negotiation
negociación multinacional multinational bargaining
negociación salarial wage bargaining
negociación salarial wage bargaining (wage determination)
negociaciones arancelarias tariff negotiation
negociaciones sobre reducción de fuerzas armadas convencionales en Europa Conventional Forces in Europe
negociaciones sobre reducción de fuerzas armadas convencionales en Europa negotiations on reductions in conventional armed forces in Europe
Negocios Business
negocios business
negocios y empresas => 03.04 business and enterprise => 03.04
negro Black
neumoconiosis pneumoconiosis